Braga is the third largest city in Portugal but it is a rather small one with an old town that doesn't require more than an afternoon to be explored. However, it's not the city we wanted to visit but a nearby basilica, Bom Jesus de Mont (Good Jesus of the Mount) which is the most visited church in Portugal. It is the staircase leading to the church that attracts many tourists, although I'm sure it has a religious value to Christians, too. As expected, Aaron found a few tracks that would take us to the sight. There is a perfectly fine road all the way to the church but that would be too easy and boring! The tracks wound through lovely forests and past some other, less recognised, churches.
We were amazed with the number of abandoned buildings.
Some still had their original features.
We enjoyed the pool by the campsite despite it being swamped with locals. It was extremely hot during out stay in Braga and we had nights when the kids couldn't sleep in the tent and we had late evenings just sitting outside and waiting for the temperature to drop to be able to go to bed.
As always Marcel was busy making things. Here's a fruit basket and below an aeroplane.
Sta Marta dos Corticas - a little church at the end of the first track
The Saint Mary Magdalene Chapel in Falperra - it was a long way up, though not the longest. Portuguese seem to like a good climb to their churches.
Another track - another church - another staircase
Bom Jesus de Mont - our destination
Bom Jesus de Mont is one of Portugal's most recognisable icons but most people visit the place not for the church but the baroque staircase, Escadaria do Bom Jesus dating from different decades of XVIII C.
And here's the staircase.
Barcelos is a medieval town North
of Porto mainly known for its weekly market which is said to be the biggest in
Portugal and probably even in Europe. It's on every Thursday and attracts
locals as well as tourists. Obviously it was on our list of places to visit and
we happened to be in the area at the right time. So on Thursday morning we set
off to Barcelos. The town was very busy as we expected and it was difficult to
find a car park especially for us since we weren't familiar with the town and
hence didn't know where, apart from the obvious, car parks were. We drove
around at first but couldn't find anything so we turned for help to a couple of
guys waving at cars and showing them where to park. It wasn't obviously a free
service, we were very well aware of that as we'd used similar services in the
past, however when asked about the price, the guys refused to say.
Unfortunately for us, we only had €20 notes which got immediately hidden in one
of the guys' pocket and that's where our negotiation started. At first we were
only given €5 change. When Aaron firmly indicated he wanted more, the guy took
a few more coins out and was trying to hand over €9. He was obviously told to
give more back. Eventually we agreed that he kept €6 and we had the change
Once the car park fee got sorted
out, we walked to the market square. It was indeed a big one with a variety of
products from clothes and shoes through veggies and fruits to even still alive
chickens and rabbits. Everything looked pretty good and since it was a very hot
day we couldn't help but buy lots and lots of fruit.
Upon return to the car Aaron was
approached by a man, a tourist as well, who shared his experience with the car
park guys. He gave the guys €5 but they'd noticed he had €20 note and asked for
more so he gave them the €20 thinking he'd have the €5 and some change back
but his €20 along with the €5 simply disappeared in a guy's pocket and the
three of them just walked away. Our €6 car park fee sure looks like a small
price in comparison!
At the market
Rooaters - they are everywhere!
The rooster - the national symbol of Portugal, can be found on ceramics, towels, aprons and lots of other items sold at local markets. The legend goes back as far as 16th century when a humble pilgrim stopped to rest in Barcelos on his way to Santiago de Compostela only to find himself wrongly accused of theft and then condemned to be hanged. The pilgrim claimed to be innocent and told the judge that his dinner, a rooster, would affirm it. As the judge was about to tuck in, the cooked cockerel began to crow. The pilgrim was obviously set free.
It was a hot day.
Barcelos on any other day than Thursday
A hot day again

Micky is taking care of our treats from a local patisserie.
This is where the market is held every Thursday.
Lazy afternoons at the campsite in Braga
Delicious food purchased at the market in Barcelos
Traditional bath
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